Ever heard of flying fish, know all the facts here

Ever heard of flying fish, know all the facts here

Flying Fish: Have you often seen a pond, River, You may have seen a fish in the sea, However, you would have never imagined that you would ever see a fish flying in the sky., Everybody knows that a fish cannot live without water, But today we are going to tell you about a fish that flies in the sky., Let us know which species this fish belongs to and where it is found,

Where Pie Caste Are flying wala Fishes,

According to the information, Lying fish on the ground There are seven species of, whose wings are as long as those of birds,have long wings, Although flying fish are found only in the oceans and do not fly above the sea floor, 200 lives at a depth of 1 meter, These fish fill their stomachs by eating plankton, If compared to other fishes, they are quite fast and agile., When a prey attacks them, So they can run fast by bending their spine as per their requirement, These fish have the incredible ability to fly,

How high can a flying fish fly?,

Fishes don’t go far from water, But flying fish have great jumping and flying abilities, Now the question arises, how do they fly?, So let us tell you that flying fish jumps out of the water and can fly a long distance by spreading its wings., The shape of the fins of these fish works like the wings of an airplane, that help them stay in the air, Flying fish at once 45 up to the second ,flying, has been recorded as, In addition, it is almost 180 Can reach heights up to feet,

This method is adopted to save lives

Like all fish, flying fish also prefer to live in water., But to escape from predators they fly using their wings, Tuna and swordfish usually prey on them, In such a situation, to escape from them, they fly using their wings., Sometimes they even jump onto boats to save their lives, Although even the sky is not safe for them, Because the frigate birds present there lie in wait for them, who hunt them as soon as they fly or jump,

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